Kubernetes Namespace Stuck in Terminating State
Often the deletion of a namespace is required and using the well-known command to delete kubernetes namespace kubectl delete ns <namsepace_name> puts the namespace in Terminating state and it gets stuck there. Waiting for hours, even days won’t help in this regard unless the finalizers are deleted and the manifest has been replaced via kubernetes…
How to Fix “No memory limit support” for Docker in Raspberry Pi
Most of us have been in the position where you want to run docker in Raspberry Pi and create a docker swarm cluster or Kubernetes cluster. When it comes to docker installation, docker info command gives you warning messages, hence the cluster installation gets stuck. docker info Throws 0ne of the following warnings or all…
How to Install Monica CRM with Nginx on Ubuntu
What is Monica? Monica is a great open source personal relationship management system. – MonicaHQ Prerequisites Git PHP 7.4+ Composer Node.js Yarn MySQL Nginx Install Prerequisite Packages Git sudo apt update sudo apt install -y git PHP 7.4+ sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common Install PHP 7.4 and required Extensions sudo apt install -y php7.4 php7.4-bcmath…
Why Logs Should Be More Beautiful Than Sourcecode
Why do we need logs? This is a fair and square question. Why do we need logs, when the application is printing messages and errors in the console? log is required for a better understanding of the application running as a service and to provide proper information and insights to involved (System Engineer, Quality Assurance,…
How to Configure Splunk Behind NGINX Reverse Proxy
Splunk is a very popular option for managing and handling logs. Configuring Splunk with nginx reverse proxy can be a headache sometimes. Considering that splunk has been installed correctly and currently serving the web GUI at Before getting into nginx configuration, splunk itself needs a little bit of configuring. Find web.conf file at ${SPLUNK_HOME}/etc/system/local/ and open it with a text editor…