Using Docker Behind a Corporate Proxy
As I was trying to pull docker image from, it was showing me errors like below error-response-from-daemon-get-https-registry-1-docker-io-v2 This ERROR occurs because of connection issues. If the system is behind a proxy then it’s more likely to run into this sort of error. This is how I have solved the PROXY issue for an UBUNTU based system which is…
Python 3.6 Package Installation Error in Docker Alpine Image
As I was trying to create an alpine image with python 3.6.7 version and also wanted to install other Python packages from requirements.txt with pip. Docker build kept running into ERROR. effi and ssl could not build with gcc. It took me awhile to find out why it’s happening. In the beginning I thought it was an issue with pip version of…
How to Install Jekyll in Alpine Linux
I have been using alpine linux because it is a lightweight Linux distro and highly customizable. I was trying to install jekyll in alpine and following the instruction from jekyll website was not that helpful because the instructions are not for alpine linux. So here is how I did it. Installing ruby Official documentation asks that the system has ruby installed and should be…
Ansible Error Failed to Lock apt for Exclusive Operation
I was trying to execute a package installation task in a recently launched amazon EC2 instance via ansible. I have come across the following error Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation This bothered me a little because I have set the connection: ssh before running the ansible-playbook yet the tasks ran into this error. As…
Failed to Combine Variables, ‘AnsibleUnicode’Error!
I was trying to connect to juniper os from ansible controller and wanted to move the ansible variables from hosts files to a separate file called junos.yml in group_vars folder. Before this change, my playbooks were running fine but suddenly I got an error message. ERROR! failed to combine variables, expected dicts but got a 'dict' and a 'AnsibleUnicode' I…