How to Install Jenkinks 2.0 in Ubuntu
Jenkins is one of the most popular open-source automation/build servers with a lot of plugins to support building, deploying, and automating any project. Prerequisites Java 11 Install Jenkins Installing jenkins from repository in ubuntu 16.04.6 server requires repository list modification to install and receive updates for Jenkins itself. To start the installation process we need to add the jenkins official repository key…
How to Install OpenJDK (JAVA) in Ubuntu
Installing java in Linux/UNIX based system can be a bit tricky sometimes because it requires the user to set an environment variable called JAVA_HOME and finding the right version of java can be sometimes overwhelming. To stay in the open-source realm, we will use openjdk-8-jdk. First, we need to make sure that currently, there is no…
How to Add SSH Key to GitHub Account
Adding a ssh key to your github will allow you to access repositories via ssh rather then https. Generating SSH Key Pair Open a terminal and type – sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "A comment to identify this key" Note -C stands for comment. It’s a common practice to use an email address…