Tag Archives: SSL
How to Configure Jenkins Behind NGINX with SSL
For a production server, I have been trying to get jenkins running behind NGINX a reverse proxy with SSL enabled. What I faced is that there are many configurations available in wiki.jenkins.io but mostly those configurations worked for the authors with different configurations according to their need. I have found a couple of useful instructions but they led me nowhere….
How to Install Root or CA Certificate in Windows
Trusting a custom certificate for the development environment is sometimes beneficial for the team, also sometimes, we just have the need to trust (install) a CA or root certificate manually. Here is how we can do it easily in windows systems. We consider here that the name of the certificate that needs to be installed…
How to Generate Self Signed SSL Certificates
!WARNING! Self-signed certificates should not be used in production. Almost all the websites nowadays have https enabled and it’s really useful to have https enabled environment while developing. Getting an https enabled environment might cost you money but there is an alternate way of enabling https with self-signed certificates. In this post, we are going to see how we can create self-signed…
How to Install Root or CA Certificate in Ubuntu
Trusting a custom certificate for the development environment is sometimes beneficial for the team and also sometimes we just have the need to trust (install) a CA or root certificate manually. Here is how we can do it easily in ubuntu systems. We consider here that the name of the certificate that needs to be…